Email Automation

Email Automation

See how much money you can save!

Let Mace Innovations Be Your Personal Assistant.

Stop manually following up with individuals when you can do it automatically based on changes to loan data. 
Our system can send emails to borrowers, agents, loan officers, processors, closers, funders, and more.
We send out thousands of daily notification every morning on files that needs action or if there are milestone updates. Emails are sent by our service outside of Encompass, so you can customize them as much as you’d like.
Think about the time you spend doing this every day. Now imagine how much more productive you can be without having this daily burden.
For one low monthly price
0 Emails

Your subscription allows you to send up to ten thousand emails every month. Many of our largest lenders send fewer than this so rest assured this service will scale as you continue to grow.

Emails are all customized by you and sent based on your preferences.

Examples include:

  • Request for Compliance Action
    • NOI’s
    • Initial disclosures
    • Re-disclosures
  • Loan status updates
  • Time-sensitive based reminders
Web Based
Our service requires no install or manual updates
Customized Emails Exactly How You Want
Decide what loan changes will fire off emails. Customize each email type to deliver the perfect message.
Email History and Reporting
Real time view of email history, data on sending, and status. Exportable reports for your own records.
Reduce Errors
Humans can be forgetful. Having a notification system based purely on data can improve overall efficiency so fewer things fall through the cracks.
Fine tune or create new email templates as your company changes. Make sure you stay up-to-date and relevant in an ever increasing notification driven world.
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